Latino Film Market 2023 - Screenings and a Workshop
In June 2023, the Latino Film Market welcomed filmmakers, programmers and jurors, special guests, speakers, parnetrs, artists and the general public. It was created by longtime Kota member, filmmaker Arilyn Martinez, hosted two of their events at the Kota Nest, including (short-)films screenings and two workshops;one on film marketing, distribution and financing, and the other on script writing. Since 2017, the organization focuses on creating, showcasing and promoting Latino content and upcoming filmmakers who do not have movie distribution by organizing an annual film festival.
This event happened through the collaboration and partnership of Kota Alliance and volunteers.
For more information please visit us:
Latino Film Market 2023 - Proyecciones de cortometrajes y taller
El Latino Film Market 2023 da la bienvenida a cineastas, programadores y jurados, invitados especiales, artistas y público en general.
El evento incluirá proyecciones de cortometrajes y un taller. Después de la proyección, tendremos sesiones de preguntas y respuestas con los directores, productores, actores, equipos y artistas.
Este evento está sucediendo a través de la colaboración y asociación de Kota Alliance y voluntarios.
Para más información visítenos: