Weaponized News and the War in Ukraine
Wars are stoked with words and images. Strategic disinformation has never been as rampant as today. How did the Russian narrative about Ukrainians as brothers and sisters turn into hate-mongering? How can we understand the current war and help, in words and deeds?
Join us to discuss the devastating information war and the current situation in Ukraine, with the Ukrainian-Finnish scholar Dr. Irina Grigor (Khaldarova) whose dissertation examined Russian news propaganda against Ukraine.
To support those in need in Ukraine, you can donate via trusted international organizations, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross or UNICEF:
In Finland, https://www.unicef.fi/tue-tyotamme/ukraina
In the US: https://www.unicefusa.org/stories/unicef-children-are-bearing-brunt-intensifying-crisis-ukraine/
The event is moderated by Prof. Minna Aslama Horowitz, Advisory Board Member of the Kota Alliance.